Monday 8 June 2020

How to make Akkawi Cheese

How to make Akkawi Cheese? A kind of white cheese that hails from its native Bulgaria is made from cow milk and salt. 

Akawi Cheese 5 Steps


Cow milk

Rennet capsules
Double boiler
Paper towels

Akkawi Cheese Recipe

1. The base of the twofold kettle ought to be loaded up with water; While 1 gallon of milk ought to be filled over the twofold evaporator. At that point include 2 teaspoons of salt and two rennet containers to the milk. Follow the directions dependent on the guidelines of the rennet case producer.

2. Next, strain the milk utilizing a strainer. Note that the curds are isolating from the fluid. Empty the curd into the cheesecloth, wrap and press it over the kitchen sink. Note that you have to expel however much humidity as could reasonably be expected.

3. Get the yogurt and set them up in a ball, at that point pour it inside a glass bowl. Spread the curd with cheesecloth and set in a cool spot. Leave it for around fourteen days, keep up a temperature of about 47⁰-50 two

4. Following fourteen days, get pre-made cheese. 1 pound of salt and. Make a saline preparation utilizing a mix of lady. Of the water; and mix them well. Utilizing cheesecloth, utilizing the spouse's surface with the saline arrangement. Spread the cheese with material for an entire fourteen days.

5. Mixed the procedure for like clockwork until you arrive at the collective of about two months. On the off chance that you need your cheddar to be tastier, at that point include an additional a month following a time of about two months, doing likewise process.

If you are searching for various cheese in the Middle East region. We are exporting cheese with making Kashkaval Cheese, Akawi cheese, white cheese, and feta cheese, and more.

If you more information kindly visit our website: -
call - +359-88-6677599

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Homemade Cheese products

Homemade Akkawi Cheese and this cheese is really good for sweet and if you Sultan it up guys I'm going to show you as well it also work...